How to prepare...

1 Day Tour - Rajka- Mosonmagyaróvár

2012. 21. Juni. With kayak and canoe.
Registration for the tour and information: Peter Glaser - Phone or mail. 
Application deadline: 2012. Juni18. Monday

Tel.: +36 20 442-85-01

2 Day Tour - Bruckneudorf- Mosonmagyaróvár

Bajonett és harci kés, US M3, M4, M5, M6, M7 Bajonett és harci kés, US M3, M4, M5, M6, M7
The Lajta-Tour is going to be organised this year again in the scope of Voluta on 23th June 2011 (Thursday). The starting point is Bruckneudorf (Austria) and the destination is Mosonmagyaróvár. It is a little bit more than 65 km, however, there is a break for one night in Zurndorf and since we are going to row following the flow, the pace  will be comfortable. Most parts of the  river are shallow, but of course it can change due to the rainfall. Last year there were 60 participants on the tour, but we hope there will be much more applicants this year.
The number of the participants can be maximum 80, so before the entry it is worth taking it into consideration!
Closing date and deadline of the paying in is: 15.06.2012 Friday!
Departure: 21. June 2012 Thursday – at the time you sign on the entry form!

The Hungarian participants will depart from the Voluta field (Mosonmagyaróvár) to Austria by bus early in the morning. The canoes and kayaks will be transported separately. You should take with you only the things you need in the boat, the other belongings are transported by a van in the afternoon.
In Bruckneudorf everybody must keep some rules eg.: maintaining the cleannes or using the local selective refuse containers.

For the tour you should only take the most necessary belongings with you in a water-proof sack eg.: camera, documents, raincoat, some food and drinks. Remember to take food for the second day as well.

We will get rich dinner (there are two meals to choose from) and breakfast in the camping site of  Zurndorf. According our experience  everybody was satisfied with the Austrian hospitality.

It is good to know that the washing conditions are limited and rather poor (there is only a tap…).
The tents, sleeping bags, mattresses, bags and other equipments will be transported to Zurndorf and back to Mosonmagyaróvár in order to avoid the overloading the boats.
The arrival in Mosonmagyaróvár (at the harbour, the premises of the Mosonmagyaróvár Water Sport Association) is expected between 3 and 4 o’clock on 22 June .

The others must transport their boats to the premises of the Water Sport Association one day before the departure.

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You should provide for the following things:
- water-proof sack IMPORTANT!
- food and drinks for two days (dinner and breakfast are provided in Austria)
- suntan lotion, something against mosquito bites, cap, hat
- raincoat
- swimsuits, clothes  
- sticking plaster, toilet paper, paper tissue, the most important first aid equipments
- camera, passport or new type ID card (IMPORTANT!)

Recommended equipments for the camping site:
- tent, sleeping bag, mattress
- torch
- washing, body-care necessities...
- extra clothes


The following things are provided by the organisers:
- transporting the participants and the boats to Bruckneudorf
- transporting the participants’ package to the camping site in Zurndorf and back to  Mosonmagyaróvár
- dinner, fine drinks, rich breakfast in Zurndorf

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Further information and details:
dr. Mirkó Wlasitsch
Mobil: +36 30 5479172

Zoltán Bárdosi
Mobil: +36 30 6824102, addresses can be found "Contact".

Our main media supporter:
Partnerünk a Szuperinfo

Partnerünk az Info Móvár

Mosonmagyaróvár,sárkányhajó,MVSE,Lajta,Mosoni-Duna,vízisportok,Voluta,evezés,sárkányhajó fesztivál,kenu,kajak,vitorlázás,verseny evezés
velencei gondolaevezés,Mirkó,Wlasitsch,lajta,leitha,Boot,Mosonmagyarovar,MVSE,Lajta,Mosoni-Duna,Voluta,Rudern,Paddelboot,Kajak,Segelfahrt,Dragonboot,Venetianer Gondel